💡📝Jose Carrillo wrote on Fri, Jul 10, 2009 11:33 AM UTC:
Thanks for the info David. I wasn't aware of Micheletto's Ultra Chess.
The problem (in my opinion) with Ultra Chess is that all the pieces are able to capture each other upon close contact, and a King will never be able to go hunting or to defend itself against minor pieces in endgames because he will be hindered by the check received by any of the other pieces one square move.
Ajax Chess doesn't allow a capture on the pieces 'adopted' steps. Therefore in an endgame, a King is allowed to defend himself against a Bishop (Knight or Rook) as they can't capture or check him orthogonally (adjacently or diagonally).
The pieces on the other hand get an easy way to find a new outpost to perform their attacks.
A 2 Knights and King endgame will finish swiftly in a mate in Ajax Chess.