George Duke wrote on Thu, Sep 3, 2009 06:35 PM UTC:
Quizzes for quislings (the grand army of f.i.d.e. irregulars):
(1) Identify Umbrella and Mallet. (Gilman)
(2) Locate the Nattering Nabobs of Negativity. Put them in their place.
(3) Who said to whom, you are ''dead ringer for that enduring
enigma''? (Duke)
(4) Explain the connection between the Jump Gate and the Great Diagonal
Wall. (Leno)
(5) Warlock is to Balrog as Seeress is to (a) Mage (b) Cyclops (c) Loremaster (d) Fox (e) Dog (f) Collosus. (Hatch)
(6) Quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs. Quick brown ox jumped over the lazy frogs. Describe what any chess pieces named Fox, Dog, Ox, and Frog all do. Just how do they four move? (clues in Hatch, Stiles, Gilman, Gifford)
(7) Find a CV with railroads.
(8) Find a CV with monkeys.
(9) Find a CV with dolls.
(10) Two of the last three must have real answers of existing CVs. If not finding at least one for each of '7', '8' or '9', only for that last one, make up one of your own.
With 10 points maximum #6 is worth up to 2.0.