Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

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Dual Direction Variants. Adding extra moves to pieces in historic forms of Chess.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝Charles Gilman wrote on Mon, Apr 19, 2010 06:47 AM UTC:
There are many interpretations of how the dual of the Mao move should work. My first thought was that the rotation-by-45° aspect would dictate starting with the diagonal step. Consider my Nested Xiang Qi in which, to replicate on the diagonals how the Mao moves on the orthogonals, 'In the stepping subvariant the move comprises a Ferz step to an empty square followed by a Dabbaba leap'. Fergus Duniho's Storm the Ivory Tower take yet another approach, using the Moa move which follows up the Ferz step with a single Wazir step, so that the full piece is effectively the Moo. At the time of invention a leaping move seemed more natural to me for oblique directions, as more direct than a move going through the heart of an 'off-route' square. Also, the Mao in the original Xiang Qi can cross the River by the disgonal part of its move, and Ifelt that a Mao compound of any kibd would complicate the rule against crossing the River diagonally.

Further to that rule, it occurs to me that this has some similarity to Jose Carrillo's Ajax Xiang Qi, which also restricts moves outside the conventional Xiang Qi pattern, but by making them strictly noncapturing.