Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

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Daniil Frolov wrote on Thu, Jul 8, 2010 09:34 AM UTC:
Here are it's rules:
Setup is similar to standart chess, but board may optionally have
additional border squares, as in rococo (and this variant is probably
better): they may be entered only with capturing move, wich would not be
able to be made by moving to non-border square.
King is cavalry general. Queen is devil. Pawns are priests. King-side
bishop is simple withdrawer. Queen-side bishop is pure withdrawer.
King-side knight is simple overtaker. Queen-side knight is pure overtaker.
King-side rook is simple custodianer. Queen-side rook is pure custodianer.

All pieces, expect priests, moves as knights.
'Simple' pieces capturing methods are based on this description of
knight's move: first orthogonally, when diagonally outwards or vice versa.
'Pure' pieces capturing methods are based on knight's being single step
knightrider. Pure pieces are weker than simple pieces.

Cavalry general captures by replacement, royal. Other pieces never can move
to occuppied square.
Devil captures all piece adjecent to destination square. This method of
capturing is taken from tenjiku shogi.
Priests may make several knight's leaps in same direction, even if squares
it passes are occuppied (and thus, it actually makes (1,2), (2,4), (3,6)
and, if capturing in variant with additional border squares, (4,8) leaps).
It don't capture, expect for taking part in custodianers' cptures.
Hostile devil may not move adjecent to it. Priests, however, may move
adjecent to devil, devil's destination square is most important. Instead
move, one may promote priest to any lost piece. It don't move when
promotes. If promotes to devil, adjecent pieces are not captured, but it
may capture by promoting to one of custodianers.
Simple withdrawer captures adjecent pieces by moving directly away from
them (if diagonally adjecent, first diagonally away from piece, when
orthogonally outwards, and vice versa when orthogonally adjecent).
On square * it captures piece 2, on square + it captures piece 1, on square
= it captures both.
Pure withdrawer captures pieces knight's leap away by moving directly away
from it.
It can capture piece 1 by moving to square *.
Simple overtaker moves to square, occuppied by piece it captures, when
makes another step, so what it makes camel's (1,3) or zebra's (2,3)
It captures piece 1 by moving to square *.
Pure overtaker moves to square, occuppied by piece it captures, when makes
another knight's leap in same direction.
It captures piece 1 by moving to square *.
Simple custodianer captures piece adjecent (diagonally or orthogonally) to
destination square, if there is friendly piece on next step in same
direction. One can also capture with this method by moving another piece in
position, wich would be capturing if one would move simple custodianer. One
can also make suicide capture by moving piece between hostile simple
custodianer and another hostile piece.
c - simple custodiianer, 1 - hostile piece, f - friendly piece. Piece 1 is
captured, whatever of these 3 pieces just moved.
Pure custodianer is same, but it captures pieces knight's leap away if
there is friendly piece another knight's leap away in same direction.
f - friendly piece, 1 - hostile piece, c - pure custodianer. Piece 1 is
captured, whatever of these 3 pieces just moved.
Capture cavalry general to win.

I'll make GC preset for this now, hope, it's playable.