Running Tournament Filter: gamecourier4 will assign ratings and
further demonstrate Carlos Cetina's accomplishment here. Congratulations!
I may not have time to play many games on this site, but I am planning
to post a few Game Courier presets (that I have already promised).
Name Userid GCR Percent GCR1 GCR2
Carlos Cetina sissa 1728 16.5/18 = 91.67% 1710 1746
Jose Carrillo j_carrillo_vii 1604 12.0/18 = 66.67% 1586 1622
Vitya Makov makov333 1590 11.0/18 = 61.11% 1580 1599
Armin Liebhart lunaris 1562 11.5/18 = 63.89% 1529 1594
Fergus Duniho fergus 1533 10.0/18 = 55.56% 1521 1545
Thomas McElmurry crazytom 1500 8.5/18 = 47.22% 1492 1507
Joe Joyce joejoyce 1467 2.5/06 = 41.67% 1469 1465
Sam Trenholme sam_trenholme 1383 1.0/06 = 16.67% 1389 1378
je ju jejujeju 1310 3.0/18 = 16.67% 1286 1334
Nicholas Wolff nickwolffrated 1306 2.0/18 = 11.11% 1284 1329