A few Spartan chess puzzles for your amusement and critique.
Shortly I will post their solutions or the refutation as it is easy to err on such puzzles.
Spartan pieces are labeled and move as follows:
h = Hoplite - moves 1 square diagonally and captures 1 forward
L = Lieutenant - leaps 1 or 2 squares diagonally, moves (no capture) 1 square horizontally
C = Captain - leaps 1 or 2 squares orthogonally
G = General - moves like a rook or King
W = Warlord - moves like a Knight or a Bishop
K = Spartan King - move exactly like an orthodox King
Puzzle #1
Black (Spartan) to move and mate in 3
Puzzle #2
Black (Spartan) to move and mate in 4
Puzzle #3
White (Persian) to move and mate in 2
Post your solution, comment or critique.
If you create a Spartan chess puzzle please post it and I will be glad to post it to the official Spartan Chess website crediting you as its author.
Shortly I will post their solutions or the refutation as it is easy to err on such puzzles.
Spartan pieces are labeled and move as follows:
h = Hoplite - moves 1 square diagonally and captures 1 forward
L = Lieutenant - leaps 1 or 2 squares diagonally, moves (no capture) 1 square horizontally
C = Captain - leaps 1 or 2 squares orthogonally
G = General - moves like a rook or King
W = Warlord - moves like a Knight or a Bishop
K = Spartan King - move exactly like an orthodox King
Puzzle #1
Black (Spartan) to move and mate in 3
Puzzle #2
Black (Spartan) to move and mate in 4
Puzzle #3
White (Persian) to move and mate in 2
Post your solution, comment or critique.
If you create a Spartan chess puzzle please post it and I will be glad to
post it to the official Spartan Chess website crediting you as its author.