George Duke wrote on Sat, Mar 3, 2012 04:51 PM UTC:
TABLE OF SOVEREIGN VALUES (XI) (reformatted 25.11.13, all earlier still to redo)
P/T P/V Mate#
STAG 3.0 2
EAGLE 3.5 2
UNICORN(ii) 7.0 1
PRIEST 2.5 4
OGRE 4.0 2
BALROG 9.0 1
When is the board too small to mate?
Some long-range leapers will be inhibited by 8x8
to the point of banishment. Since only one piece-
type is featured at a time for worthwhile cal-
culation of p/v and mate number, one's King sort
of alone has to keep the other King from staying at the centre. Basically, that will not work if
the leaper itself cannot reach d4, d5, e4, e5 on
8x8. Take Gilman-named Rector who leaps distance of '4,5', an obvious p/t unexpected to use much
except maybe compounded. Just as with Flamingo the
1,6 leaper and several others, there are central
squares unreachable -- in case of Rector conveniently exactly those four.
It is methodologically unfair to assume Black King does not start there,
and White King cannot keep such-positioned Black from going back and forth
some two available ''orthogonally'' adjacent squares. Control of tempo
does no good here because however many Rectors, Black stays out of reach.
So Rector the 4,5 leaper cannot be Sovereign Piece-type without any
reliable mate on 64 squares. In the Sovereign System, the boards are important inclusively 8x8 to 12x12, including 8x10 and all other rectangles in between. If a p/t fails a Mating test that range, no Sovereignty. For follow-up, what are the 28 Sovereign Boards? Or really 51 with the Pawns reversed?
Also for eventual follow-up with another Table construction are cases of separate Sovereignty, where one or two additional units of a Sovereign piece-type may be necessary the larger boards, for which Paulowich links the 12x12 thread,