Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

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Snipers[Subject Thread] [Add Response]
Charles Gilman wrote on Sat, Aug 11, 2012 06:38 AM UTC:
Man and Beast 02 and 19 now refer to Divergent Chess and/or Thinktank Chess, but I am still interested in knowing about the large variant that I described earlier, For the record, it had:
* two pieces aside on outer files, three aside on the innermost ones;
* the FIDE back rank in their usual numbers;
* two aside each of the Stewardess and Contrastewardess;
* possibly two aside each of another piece, though possibly no further non-Pawns;
* as many Pawns as files, on whatever is the front rank of each file.

This variant would be easier than Divergent Chess, Loonybird, aor Thinktank to extrapolate to non-AltOrth hex analogies.