Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

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AnandvCarlsen13[Subject Thread] [Add Response]
George Duke wrote on Wed, Nov 13, 2013 05:32 PM UTC:
I) Chess ahead of the Rubber Duck:,

far cry from the days of Al-Rashid's "Chess Is Life,"

II) Game 4: Draw in 64.
This is dedicated 12-game match. Fischer-Spassky 1972 was scheduled 24 games, and Kasparov-Karpov 1984 ran epic 48 games. Then in spectacular, Kasparov-Deep Blue was out to save humanity against machines. 
Though today the sensitive hoi polloi Orthodoxy avoid the subject, all these top engines would slaughter both Anand and Carlsen: (partial names and list) Houdini, Stockfish, Critter,  Komodo, Rybka. 

III) Carrera invented compounds BN and RN 400 years ago.  Revived in turn by Bird 19th century and Capablanca 20th, Seirawan Chess is latest recent incarnation.  Wanting to save 64 squares, are not Seirawan Chess',, three pointwise Queen-comparables too much for small 64 squares?  

(that is, 64 squares as "small" to CVers familiar with regular-size Shogi 81 and regular-size Xiangqi 90 and large-size Turkish Great Chesses of 17th century,, on 100 squares)