George Duke wrote on Wed, Nov 27, 2013 05:24 PM UTC:
--Historic Quotes there from politically- and environmentally-conscious
Kasparov, opinionated provoking Fischer, Anand, Karpov and top
20th-century Orthodox GMs. Offhand the only thing Carlsen says that comes
to mind: "I am not a genius," something Capablanca or Fischer would never
have said.
So to be fair, --Magnus Carlsen.
And --Magnus Carlsen.
Consider the 20 World Chess Champions since 1886, counting the knockout-tournament interregnum 1993-2006. Seven of the 20 have last name starting with 'K' or hard 'C': Capablanca, Karpov, Kasparov, Khalifman, Kasimdzhanov, Kramnik, Carlsen. This time it is Ilyumzhinov versus Kasparov for president of fide, after last time Ilyumzhinov versus Karpov. Finally, this is first referencing of Agon, whose activity is towards corporate interest, but clear is that Paulson does not favour either Ilyumzhinov or Kasparov.