I've managed to upload a dummy apothecary chess 2 (empty for know) by changing the id to containing apothecary chess 2 2 and then changing the name back to apothecary chess 2. It works, I'm now working on that one and hope everything will go according to plan. I'd like to take a look on apothecary chess 1 again before you read it so dn't hurry Fergus. Thanks for everything! I apologize for creating this havoc. See you soon!
I've managed to upload a dummy apothecary chess 2 (empty for know) by changing the id to containing apothecary chess 2 2 and then changing the name back to apothecary chess 2. It works, I'm now working on that one and hope everything will go according to plan. I'd like to take a look on apothecary chess 1 again before you read it so dn't hurry Fergus. Thanks for everything! I apologize for creating this havoc. See you soon!