Regarding your concern about the rook I've said that it's a average piece as strength goes. That is used in the pawn promotion rules. But maybe instead of major, average, minor I could use strong, medium, weak. The first way sound more professional to me though.
About the weird endgame conditions is that I want to reward someone who forces a stalemate, or at least finishes with non neglijible extra material. For example in apothecary chess 2 an king+zebra+camel vs king is an advantage as I think we should reward a bit a player who collected 2 extra minor pieces, otherwise it would be a draw. Anyway if this bothers one much, he/she should find consolation in the fact that is a rare occurance. I doubt the advantage/disadvantage situation will occur often, but anyway it should be taken care of.
Thanks for the informations.
Regarding your concern about the rook I've said that it's a average piece as strength goes. That is used in the pawn promotion rules. But maybe instead of major, average, minor I could use strong, medium, weak. The first way sound more professional to me though.
About the weird endgame conditions is that I want to reward someone who forces a stalemate, or at least finishes with non neglijible extra material. For example in apothecary chess 2 an king+zebra+camel vs king is an advantage as I think we should reward a bit a player who collected 2 extra minor pieces, otherwise it would be a draw. Anyway if this bothers one much, he/she should find consolation in the fact that is a rare occurance. I doubt the advantage/disadvantage situation will occur often, but anyway it should be taken care of.
Thanks for you time Fergus,