💡📝H. G. Muller wrote on Wed, Oct 4, 2017 03:31 PM UTC:
Well, that is what I said: j was still ignored. But I implemented it now. (Be sure to refresh your browser cache!) The results are undefined when used on oblique atoms, however (like jN). And on G and H atoms it forces jumping if there is a piece on one or two of the overflown squares. Before stepping atoms (W and F) or their derivatives it means they ignore the first square on their path. So jB and jR are Ski-Bishop and Ski-Rook.
[Edit] The q modifier now also works. It always rotates 45 degrees per step, even for orthogonal or diagonal atoms. There is no way yet to indicate direction of curvature; it always bends in both directions for a given start direction (such as fqW4). The Rose is qN or qNN.
[Edit2] Same for z now. It turns 90 degrees in alteratig directions. Also here the trajectory that starts bending right always occurs together with the one that starts bending left after the same first step.
Well, that is what I said: j was still ignored. But I implemented it now. (Be sure to refresh your browser cache!) The results are undefined when used on oblique atoms, however (like jN). And on G and H atoms it forces jumping if there is a piece on one or two of the overflown squares. Before stepping atoms (W and F) or their derivatives it means they ignore the first square on their path. So jB and jR are Ski-Bishop and Ski-Rook.
[Edit] The q modifier now also works. It always rotates 45 degrees per step, even for orthogonal or diagonal atoms. There is no way yet to indicate direction of curvature; it always bends in both directions for a given start direction (such as fqW4). The Rose is qN or qNN.
[Edit2] Same for z now. It turns 90 degrees in alteratig directions. Also here the trajectory that starts bending right always occurs together with the one that starts bending left after the same first step.