Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

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Can someone please tell me what these pieces are?[Subject Thread] [Add Response]
Kathy Mann wrote on Sat, Dec 2, 2017 08:41 PM UTC:

The only information I have is that on the box, my husband wrote "chess pieces". I do not see a way to attach a photo to this message so I will attempt to describe them.

They are discs, black and white. There are 8 large discs, 5cm across, and 8 small discs, 3.5 cm across. 

Each disc has an engraved symbol and a word or phrase. On the 8 large white discs are the words "Preserver" accompanied by the yin/yang symbol, and also by the Queen's crown; "Creator" accompanied by a small circle and the King's crown; "Eternal Life" with a large "pie" shape and the Bishop's miter; "Wisdom" accompanied by a large circle and a Bishop's miter; "Work" with an 8-point star and the Knight; "Love" with a triangle and the Knight; "Peace" with a quarter moon and the Rook; "Power" with a square and a Rook. On the smaller discs are the words "Air" (bird), "Health" (tree), "Water" (fish), "Man" (circle,square,triangle), "Sun" (sun), "Joy" (lotus), "Food" (leaf) and "Earth" (worm).

On the large black discs we have: "Spoiler" (yin/yang, Queen); "Destroyer" (small circle, King); "Ignorance"(pie, Bishop); "Death" (large circle, Bishop); "Hatred" (triangle, Knight); "Idleness" (star, Knight); "Weakness" (square, Rook); "Violence" (quarter moon, Rook). On the smaller discs are "Impure Air", "Impure Water", "Impure Food", "Darkness", "Inferior Man", "Disease", "Sadness", "Darkness" and "Barrenness".

I cannot tell what material the discs are made from. They have felt pads on the bottom. 

Can someone please tell me what these are? (and also if there is a way to post photos...!)

Many thanks.
