There will always be misinformed people, to some degree at least, in the end some with malitioous intent. It is everybody's job to stay informed and act with good reason. But this is scratching the surface. I'm not sure how euthanasia could come into play. About eugenics. I'm not sure, as I don't see anyway to define a "perfect" fitness function for the proposed next genome. The world is everchanging, and better always mean something else. Probably quite a few think along these lines but I'm pretty confident about my statement. Abouy scientist king or maybe some form of oligarhy, it is probably the next step, as society badly needs more reason. But once again I believe that everything will eventually fail :)!
@ Kevin,
There will always be misinformed people, to some degree at least, in the end some with malitioous intent. It is everybody's job to stay informed and act with good reason. But this is scratching the surface. I'm not sure how euthanasia could come into play. About eugenics. I'm not sure, as I don't see anyway to define a "perfect" fitness function for the proposed next genome. The world is everchanging, and better always mean something else. Probably quite a few think along these lines but I'm pretty confident about my statement. Abouy scientist king or maybe some form of oligarhy, it is probably the next step, as society badly needs more reason. But once again I believe that everything will eventually fail :)!