Kevin Pacey wrote on Sat, Sep 15, 2018 08:22 PM UTC:
Here's a possible position from Seirawan Chess where White's best move is clearly 1.Pd7xc8=B, since promoting to an Archbishop instead would allow a possibe stalemate after 1...ab8-d7+, if White captured the enemy archbishop either way. Similar positions for other variants such as 10x8 Capablanca Chess could be dreamt up.
Here's a possible position from Seirawan Chess where White's best move is clearly 1.Pd7xc8=B, since promoting to an Archbishop instead would allow a possibe stalemate after 1...ab8-d7+, if White captured the enemy archbishop either way. Similar positions for other variants such as 10x8 Capablanca Chess could be dreamt up.