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Alfaerie Variant Chess Graphics. Set of chess variant graphics based on Eric Bentzen's Chess Alpha font.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
H. G. Muller wrote on Thu, Oct 11, 2018 09:29 AM UTC:

I now also put some SVG files for the Chess Alpha font (from XBoard's alternate piece sets) on my website. These can be used in the CGI renderer by adding the argument t=alpha . (For 'type'; I changed that from d= because the latter now is indicating the dark square shade used with FENs.) These are the glyphs from which Alfaerie is derived, but there are no fairy pieces amongst those.

This absence is ameliorated by a new feature in the renderer, though: it now treats hyphens in the FEN as indicating that the pieces left and right of it should be put on the same square. So X-Y means a Y behind an X. The pieces are then both vertically shrunk a bit, the one in the background aligned with the top of the square to not totally eclips it. This allows 'on-the-fly synthesis' of Alfaerie-style cut-and-paste pieces, e.g. N-Q for Amazon:
