For a future variant I have studied what I'd prefer for now to call 2-picket bishop and 2-picket rook. Meaning a bishop that moves at least three squares (has 2 long mandatory blind slides before) and a rook that does the same.
It seems that the 2-picket bishop is slightly stronger than a than a 2-picket rook 12x12 and I think I figured out why, but first I'm curious on other opinions. The results averaged over the board having between 10 and 84 pieces (so 75 different cases) are
2pb mobility: 4.52381
2pr mobility: 4.22735
Sure there is still the issue of colour boundness but for compund pieces it is quite an interesting observation, I think!...
I have written a small c++ program that calculates the crowded board mobility (betza style :
For a future variant I have studied what I'd prefer for now to call 2-picket bishop and 2-picket rook. Meaning a bishop that moves at least three squares (has 2 long mandatory blind slides before) and a rook that does the same.
It seems that the 2-picket bishop is slightly stronger than a than a 2-picket rook 12x12 and I think I figured out why, but first I'm curious on other opinions. The results averaged over the board having between 10 and 84 pieces (so 75 different cases) are
2pb mobility: 4.52381
2pr mobility: 4.22735
Sure there is still the issue of colour boundness but for compund pieces it is quite an interesting observation, I think!...