After a careless capture at h1, which yielded a rook advantage (rook is the strongest unit on board at the start), Black resigns at this point, since Nxg7 or Nc7 are both checkmates and no possible move could defend both squares. The King could not move as its only revealed piece, the e7 pawn, is blocked by the white Knight. Other unrevealed p
Just played this very interesting game. A single Knight won the game when White was at a larrge disadvantage being down a bishop and a rook.
(note b2=P means b2 is flipped and a Pawn is revealed. Pawns are desginated P and there is no short-form notation)
1. c2=P c7=C
2. Pe2-e3 ....
Otherwise Cc7xc1 #
2. ... Cc7xc1 (xB)
3. Ke1-e2 Cc1xa1 (xP)
4. g2=N b7=B
5. Ng2-f4 Bb7xh1 (xR)
6. Nf4-e6
After a careless capture at h1, which yielded a rook advantage (rook is the strongest unit on board at the start), Black resigns at this point, since Nxg7 or Nc7 are both checkmates and no possible move could defend both squares. The King could not move as its only revealed piece, the e7 pawn, is blocked by the white Knight. Other unrevealed p