A. M. DeWitt wrote on Fri, Nov 8, 2019 08:59 PM UTC:
Fergus, I decided to try out your Extra Move Chess Preset, and when I did a pawn promotion with the extra move, the same error that occured when I tried to promote a Soaring Eagle after completing a double move with the mouse popped up, albeit in a different form.
BANNED INPUT: k d7-e8; k d7-e8; p a2-a1; q-dest on turn 27:
MOVE: k d7-e8 and other moves to occupied spaces are banned here.
Now I have a very important question to ask: do commands like ask and askpromote only append one move to the list of past moves, or do they append something different? If the latter is the case, then that is the source of the problem. I think the askpromote command might be changing the move immediately preceding the promotion move to a list of all moves in the sequence, including the promotion move, and appending that after the choice is selected instead of just the single promotion move. This effect isn't noticeable with single move promotions because the move before the promotion move is the very first move, and because there is nothing before the first move, the sequence would remain in a legal format after the change.
Fergus, I decided to try out your Extra Move Chess Preset, and when I did a pawn promotion with the extra move, the same error that occured when I tried to promote a Soaring Eagle after completing a double move with the mouse popped up, albeit in a different form.
BANNED INPUT: k d7-e8; k d7-e8; p a2-a1; q-dest on turn 27:
MOVE: k d7-e8 and other moves to occupied spaces are banned here.
Now I have a very important question to ask: do commands like ask and askpromote only append one move to the list of past moves, or do they append something different? If the latter is the case, then that is the source of the problem. I think the askpromote command might be changing the move immediately preceding the promotion move to a list of all moves in the sequence, including the promotion move, and appending that after the choice is selected instead of just the single promotion move. This effect isn't noticeable with single move promotions because the move before the promotion move is the very first move, and because there is nothing before the first move, the sequence would remain in a legal format after the change.