Probable new variant rule: Castle in check, move like chess King.
After hundreds of Turnover matches I have done, I finally realize that something is missing in the context of game logic. Since in traditional chess, at least two pieces are needed to perform a checkmate, with few exceptions on stucked Kings, I realize that this kind of complexity on checkmates is needed on Turnover too. So, I found a way to let it works, featuring the rule where a Castle in check, move like a King from traditional chess. It can move and take one square all around it.
The results is incredible, games have grown in logical complexity and I dare to say that finally it is better than chess.
Probable new variant rule: Castle in check, move like chess King.
After hundreds of Turnover matches I have done, I finally realize that something is missing in the context of game logic. Since in traditional chess, at least two pieces are needed to perform a checkmate, with few exceptions on stucked Kings, I realize that this kind of complexity on checkmates is needed on Turnover too. So, I found a way to let it works, featuring the rule where a Castle in check, move like a King from traditional chess. It can move and take one square all around it.
The results is incredible, games have grown in logical complexity and I dare to say that finally it is better than chess.
Now I am discussing it with my developer to bring us a version with this change, so we all can test it. See on: