HG, do you think that a Cannon in a different context than XQ and its special board, for instance in Shako, can be worth than that? I wonder.
Zillions (I know that you don't like their estimate, and you're probably right) is estimating the Cannon just slightly below the Rook, and the Vao just below the Bishop. I also think this is overestimating. But how far?
In Shako or in Metamachy, the Cannon are still powerful pieces putting a lot of pressure on the columns they control.
HG, do you think that a Cannon in a different context than XQ and its special board, for instance in Shako, can be worth than that? I wonder.
Zillions (I know that you don't like their estimate, and you're probably right) is estimating the Cannon just slightly below the Rook, and the Vao just below the Bishop. I also think this is overestimating. But how far?
In Shako or in Metamachy, the Cannon are still powerful pieces putting a lot of pressure on the columns they control.