Sure, the Interactive Diagram can use any piece set, including piece sets supplied by uploading. The Diagram definition created by the Play-Test Applet even uses the Alfaerie set (the anti-aliased one) by default.
This can be controlled by the Diagram parameters grapicsDir, graphicsType, whitePrefix and blackPrefix. These are all text parameters, and the names of the piece images are build from them by concatenating the graphicsDir, a whitePrefix or a blackPrefix, the name of the image as given in the piece-definition lines, a period, and the graphics type. So if you set graphicsDir to the URL of the directory (e.g. /membergraphics/MSelven-chess/ , make sure it ends with / ), the prefixes to w and b, and the graphics type to pgn, jpg, gif, you can use any set of piece images of any type.
Sure, the Interactive Diagram can use any piece set, including piece sets supplied by uploading. The Diagram definition created by the Play-Test Applet even uses the Alfaerie set (the anti-aliased one) by default.
This can be controlled by the Diagram parameters grapicsDir, graphicsType, whitePrefix and blackPrefix. These are all text parameters, and the names of the piece images are build from them by concatenating the graphicsDir, a whitePrefix or a blackPrefix, the name of the image as given in the piece-definition lines, a period, and the graphics type. So if you set graphicsDir to the URL of the directory (e.g. /membergraphics/MSelven-chess/ , make sure it ends with / ), the prefixes to w and b, and the graphics type to pgn, jpg, gif, you can use any set of piece images of any type.