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Expanded Chess. 100 square chess with complementary pieces.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
H. G. Muller wrote on Sun, Jan 31, 2021 09:56 PM UTC in reply to Fergus Duniho from 08:50 PM:

Ah, I did not know presets where supposed to do that. Chess engines never do. Club players of orthodex Chess neither.

The automation already detects whether the new side-to-move is in check, as a short-cut for thesting legality of the move list it generates for highlighting. When in check, it retries the checking move in reply to every pseudo-legal move first, to test whether the check has been solved. (Which most moves of course don't do, and then you don't have to test anything else on those.) So all I have to do is issue a say command at that point. What exactly should I say? Just "check"? Or "Your King is in check"?

Should this also be done in games that do not have the checking rule (i.e. where it is legal to stay in check)?

[Edit] OK, it seems to work. At least when using the 'accelerated method' for legality testing of the highlights (which is the default), in games that have a checking rule. When each pseudo-legal move is tested for legality individually (by a full move generation of the opponent to detect King capture) it doesn't do it yet, as it does not test the legality of a null move (which it would have to do to detect checking). But this mode is practically unusable anyway, and should be 'phased out'.

I am also not sure whether the accelerated legality testing would work in games with multiple royals.