H. G. Muller wrote on Thu, May 13, 2021 10:37 AM UTC:
I Implemented a way to have both 1-step (O1) castling and castling that ends on the Rook square
in the same variant. Both can be selected through clicking the Rook as destination of the King moves.
This was already the case, and the diagram would perform the castling indicated in the move definition.
But if this is ambiguous, it now request a third click for entering the King destination,
and the square next to the King will then be interpreted as castling, rather than a normal move.
I Implemented a way to have both 1-step (O1) castling and castling that ends on the Rook square in the same variant. Both can be selected through clicking the Rook as destination of the King moves. This was already the case, and the diagram would perform the castling indicated in the move definition. But if this is ambiguous, it now request a third click for entering the King destination, and the square next to the King will then be interpreted as castling, rather than a normal move.
Wildebeest Decimal Chess