Does XBetza allow defining pieces that capture by stopping in the square just before the captured piece?
Also, somewhat related to that, I was thinking there are a lot of potential pieces that could be defined if it were possible to specify different priority levels for movement options, such that a piece must make the highest priority kind of move available. For example, there might be a piece that moves as a queen, but can only make a non-capturing move if it has no available captures.
Another question I have is, does 0 have any meaning when used as a piece's range? If not, perhaps it could be used to indicate that a piece must move as far as possible in whichever direction it goes.
Does XBetza allow defining pieces that capture by stopping in the square just before the captured piece?
Also, somewhat related to that, I was thinking there are a lot of potential pieces that could be defined if it were possible to specify different priority levels for movement options, such that a piece must make the highest priority kind of move available. For example, there might be a piece that moves as a queen, but can only make a non-capturing move if it has no available captures.
Another question I have is, does 0 have any meaning when used as a piece's range? If not, perhaps it could be used to indicate that a piece must move as far as possible in whichever direction it goes.