Another possibility for detecting a suicide move is to store the board position before the move into a variable, then compare the new position after the move to the stored position and see what differences there are.
This could potentially solve the problems of detecting a suicide move if I knew how to do it.
Here's a preset I made to demonstrate how to do this:
This records the position of every piece on the board in an array whose keys are coordinates and whose values are piece labels. It does this both before and after a move. It then goes through the current positions of pieces. For each empty space, represented with the @ piece, it compares it with the previous value to see if it was empty before. If it wasn't empty before, it records it as a capture.
Since I am already writing this, would the system used for the multi-move variants be able to handle moves with three or more parts (i.e. that of the Lion Dog in Maka Dai Dai Shogi)?
You could adapt it. For the multi-move variants, there are usually the same number of move parts each turn. So, it makes sense for these games to do the multi-part analysis globally for all pieces. But for games that include pieces with multi-part moves, you may want to reserve the multi-part analysis for specific pieces and tailor it to each piece that needs it.
Here's a preset I made to demonstrate how to do this:
This records the position of every piece on the board in an array whose keys are coordinates and whose values are piece labels. It does this both before and after a move. It then goes through the current positions of pieces. For each empty space, represented with the @ piece, it compares it with the previous value to see if it was empty before. If it wasn't empty before, it records it as a capture.
You could adapt it. For the multi-move variants, there are usually the same number of move parts each turn. So, it makes sense for these games to do the multi-part analysis globally for all pieces. But for games that include pieces with multi-part moves, you may want to reserve the multi-part analysis for specific pieces and tailor it to each piece that needs it.