A. M. DeWitt wrote on Sun, Dec 5, 2021 06:32 PM UTC:
The triple capture ability for Lion Dogs works perfectly, at least in regards to executing the moves. There seems to be a problem when highlighting destination for the third leg of a triple capture move. The possible destination squares (aside from the one travelled to via the second leg) generate in all directions where there is a piece on one such square in said direction.
Edit: Also, the moving piece isn't deselected if it can't move back to its starting square when the diagram generates the moves for the next leg. There also seems to be a problem with contageous promotions not taking effect if you make a three leg move to an empty square
The triple capture ability for Lion Dogs works perfectly, at least in regards to executing the moves. There seems to be a problem when highlighting destination for the third leg of a triple capture move. The possible destination squares (aside from the one travelled to via the second leg) generate in all directions where there is a piece on one such square in said direction.
Edit: Also, the moving piece isn't deselected if it can't move back to its starting square when the diagram generates the moves for the next leg. There also seems to be a problem with contageous promotions not taking effect if you make a three leg move to an empty square