Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

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Avatar Chess. Game with avatars that can assume any piece of chess, depending on the fields of the board. (8x8, Cells: 64) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
H. G. Muller wrote on Fri, Sep 2, 2022 06:29 PM UTC:

The piece indicator is always redundant when you give the origin square, in variants where there can only be a single piece on a square.

I don't understand wfhat you mean by the mating example. What is a1-a8? A move? Is g5-g8 supposed to be an alternative for that? From g8 the avatar would move like a Knight, right? So that would not even be check, and black would just move e8-d8. On a8 the avatar would indeed remain a Rook. But why would the King ever move to e8 on the preceding halfmove? If it was on d8 it could have moved to c8 or c7, if it was on f8 to g8 or g7. This seems more like a helpmate.