The Interactive Diagram can now also generate the list of pieces and their starting square as lines of text, rather than as a table (like it was doing in the original posting of this Diagram). Whether one or the other method is chosen depends on how you embed the piece list on the page. In both cases the HTML tag pair that indicates the point where the list will be inserted will have to have id="pieceList". When the tag having this id is an unnumbered list (<ul>), the Diagram script will fill it with clickable list items for the pieces. When it is a paragraph (<p>) it will create text lines from clickable spans to describe the initial piece set up, like in the example below.
I am not sure whether the blue text for reminding people that the text can be clicked is optimally placed; there seems enough room to put it behind the 'White:' header on the same line.
Note that the starting squares of black pieces are now also mentioned. This is another improvement; only the white pieces used to have their starting squares mentioned. Because those are the only coordinates the user must supply when specifying the Diagram. For the black pieces one usually depends on the symmetry setting (mirror or rotate) to deduce the black starting squares from the white. The Diagram now converts the deduced starting squares to text form so that it can give them for the black pieces even in those cases (and for asymmetric setups displays those as given by the user).
The Interactive Diagram can now also generate the list of pieces and their starting square as lines of text, rather than as a table (like it was doing in the original posting of this Diagram). Whether one or the other method is chosen depends on how you embed the piece list on the page. In both cases the HTML tag pair that indicates the point where the list will be inserted will have to have id="pieceList". When the tag having this id is an unnumbered list (<ul>), the Diagram script will fill it with clickable list items for the pieces. When it is a paragraph (<p>) it will create text lines from clickable spans to describe the initial piece set up, like in the example below.
I am not sure whether the blue text for reminding people that the text can be clicked is optimally placed; there seems enough room to put it behind the 'White:' header on the same line.
Note that the starting squares of black pieces are now also mentioned. This is another improvement; only the white pieces used to have their starting squares mentioned. Because those are the only coordinates the user must supply when specifying the Diagram. For the black pieces one usually depends on the symmetry setting (mirror or rotate) to deduce the black starting squares from the white. The Diagram now converts the deduced starting squares to text form so that it can give them for the black pieces even in those cases (and for asymmetric setups displays those as given by the user).