A (late) question to Greg. In your Option 1:
Option 1: The Joker is "reinitialized" each time the owning player moves, returning to its initial state of having no moves at all. This is how ChessV currently works, and I think the Game Courier preset as well. Personally, I consider this a reasonable option, but it seems others do not, and it has the unfortunate consequence of meaning that King+Joker cannot checkmate a bare King.
I have not understood how the joker is moving. I understand Option 2 and 3, but what about 1? Let's imagine the Owner moves a Rook, then the opponent moves a Pawn. How is the Joker moving now if it has no moves at all?
A (late) question to Greg. In your Option 1: Option 1: The Joker is "reinitialized" each time the owning player moves, returning to its initial state of having no moves at all. This is how ChessV currently works, and I think the Game Courier preset as well. Personally, I consider this a reasonable option, but it seems others do not, and it has the unfortunate consequence of meaning that King+Joker cannot checkmate a bare King.
I have not understood how the joker is moving. I understand Option 2 and 3, but what about 1? Let's imagine the Owner moves a Rook, then the opponent moves a Pawn. How is the Joker moving now if it has no moves at all?