ChrisWitham wrote on Thu, May 2, 2002 01:05 AM UTC:
This is how i see rotation as playing out, each piece is 8x1x1 and acts
like a normal 2d piece because it can only move in two dimentions, but by
rotateing it (in multiples of 90º) you can change which 2 dimentions it can
move in. What I'm not sure about is what it would rotate around, if the
piece is to rotate around it's middle it could only rotate when in one of
the center squares.
In this idea 3d moves don't really matter. But if the piece size is
changeable then 3d moves could happen, then the question is what type of 3d
should it be? I'm not sure how this (the 3d moves presented here) would
translate with a piece that takes up more then one square, I'll look into
it when I have the time.