Well, for one you have commas in there, which doesn't mean anything (these are just ignored the way the parsing of the matrix is implemented now). Also, a number indicates how many times the previous symbol should occur (so ^3 expands to ^^^). I get the feeling that you use the numbers as if they are coordinates. So that your
Since miscounting the number of rows was a frequent source of error I now made it such that " followed by a number N in interpreted as N rows containing " (i.e. repeating the previous row). For hop bans it was also an annoyance that you had to specify it both for enemy and friendly pieces if you don't want color discrimination. (For capture bans you can usually just ignore the friendly capture, as no XBetza move would allow it anyway.) So I introduced a new symbol =. When this is encountered the remaining enemy pieces in the row are skipped, and their values are copied to those for the friendly pieces. (You could still continue to specify values for the friendly captures/hop after the =, which would override the copy if not a dot.)
So the Suzumu captureMatrix can start with /"25/.27^^.5^^.^.8^.13^^..^^=/"//"4/.34^^.^.8^.17^^=/ .
Well, for one you have commas in there, which doesn't mean anything (these are just ignored the way the parsing of the matrix is implemented now). Also, a number indicates how many times the previous symbol should occur (so ^3 expands to ^^^). I get the feeling that you use the numbers as if they are coordinates. So that your
is intended to mean
or in shorthand
Since miscounting the number of rows was a frequent source of error I now made it such that " followed by a number N in interpreted as N rows containing " (i.e. repeating the previous row). For hop bans it was also an annoyance that you had to specify it both for enemy and friendly pieces if you don't want color discrimination. (For capture bans you can usually just ignore the friendly capture, as no XBetza move would allow it anyway.) So I introduced a new symbol =. When this is encountered the remaining enemy pieces in the row are skipped, and their values are copied to those for the friendly pieces. (You could still continue to specify values for the friendly captures/hop after the =, which would override the copy if not a dot.)
So the Suzumu captureMatrix can start with /"25/.27^^.5^^.^.8^.13^^..^^=/"//"4/.34^^.^.8^.17^^=/ .