Check out Janggi (Korean Chess), our featured variant for November, 2024.

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Huge variants[Subject Thread] [Add Response]
H. G. Muller wrote on Sun, Apr 9, 2023 01:50 PM UTC:

This is how it would look (with almost the same piece set) on 18 x 18, to reduce the density to a for Chess more normal 50,6%. The Grasshoppers were abandoned, and replaced by Rams (which move as a Grasshopper, but have only a single forward Dababba capture). The Warriors now are Metamachy Pawns, and I added two more (so there now are 24 promotable pieces), to compensate for those that will be traded for Rams.

satellite=terror2 files=18 ranks=18 promoZone=1 maxPromote=2 promoChoice=EA,AM,G graphicsDir=/graphics.dir/alfaeriePNG/ squareSize=33 graphicsType=png theme=DD whitePrefix=w blackPrefix=b borders=0 firstRank=1 useMarkers=1 newClick=1 protected=32 captureMatrix=/"27/27^^^^^=/"2 pawn::fmWfceFifmnDifmnH::a6-r6 warrior::fmWfceFfmnnD:quickpawn:a2-d2,i2,j2,o2-r2 steward::mWcF:: ram::mgQfcD::a4,b3,q3,r4 vao::mBpcB::h5,k5 camel::::h4,k4 zebra::::c4,p4 war machine:D:WD:warmachinewazir:d5,o5 elephant::FA:elephantferz:a5,r5 frog::FH::f5,m5 prince:PR:KfmnD:duke:b5,q5 knight:N:::e5,n5 bishop::::c5,p5 cannon:CN:::e4,n4 rook::::b1,q1 leo:LE:mQpcQ:paovao:d3,o3 nightrider:NR:::c1,p1 dragon horse:DH:BW:promotedbishop:d1,o1 dragon king:DK:RF:promotedrook:f1,m1 rhino:RH:[W?fsB]::l1 gryphon::[F?fsR]::g1 archbishop:::cardinal:h2 marshall:::chancellor:k2 queen::::k1 lion::KNAD::h1 amazon:AM:QN::i1 archer:AR:WA::i5,j5 spearman:SM:FD:nspearman:g5,l5 bat:BA:B(paf)14cB::h3,k3 falcon:FA:R(paf)14cR:bird2:g3,l3 eagle:EA:Q(paf)14cQ:bird:i3,j3 terror::QcyavmQ:dragon:g2,l2 value=2500 king::KispO7::j1

The battle area is still 6 ranks deep, and the extra space is located inside the camps. This was done in such a way to create ample space for lateral movement of the orthogonal sliders, and leave corridors for developing the valuable pieces that start in the rear.

Since the variant uses fast castling, one can castle immediately to the open space on the back rank. But early castling seems suicidal; one would first have to build a shield against flying attacks at the desired location of the castle.