H.G. wrote: "The color binding does not make much difference. If I give the Bishop an extra backward non-capture (BbmW) to break the color binding, the sWAAF still wins almost all games from the given position."
That's interesting. Without recalling how I used to do such calculations exactly, I'd roughly estimate those two piece types as worth about 5 pawns and 5.66 pawns in value (for middlegame at least), on that board size, respectively. The huge winning score of the latter piece type may have something to do with the latter piece type being way more effective in (most?) endgames.
H.G. wrote: "The color binding does not make much difference. If I give the Bishop an extra backward non-capture (BbmW) to break the color binding, the sWAAF still wins almost all games from the given position."
That's interesting. Without recalling how I used to do such calculations exactly, I'd roughly estimate those two piece types as worth about 5 pawns and 5.66 pawns in value (for middlegame at least), on that board size, respectively. The huge winning score of the latter piece type may have something to do with the latter piece type being way more effective in (most?) endgames.