BTW I think that piece may be upgraded in value if it’s extended by another one which deletes all flaws of first piece. If that’s right, Bishop+Knight pair costs 6 (it can reach all the board as knight leaps and half of board by diagonal motion), Archbishop costs 7 (it can reach the whole board by any of its parts, but his color-switching “ingredient” isn’t distance ranger), and opposite-colored Bishops’ pair costs 8 (it can reach all the board diagonally, its cost increases on free or very non-crowded board, and 2 bishops near in row are like 2-squares big piece which can’t be reached by enemy king and is better than Rook and Archbishop).
Also cost increases on larger or smaller board sizes – example is Knight (which is OP on boards about 6x6 and smaller), or Magician from my Horizons (which is better on boards about 10x10 and larger; as well as Giraffe, Antilope or my Policeman from Stone Garden (thx to editors!)).
Sorry for my graphomania;). (Costs are measured in pawns where Queen costs 9)
BTW I think that piece may be upgraded in value if it’s extended by another one which deletes all flaws of first piece. If that’s right, Bishop+Knight pair costs 6 (it can reach all the board as knight leaps and half of board by diagonal motion), Archbishop costs 7 (it can reach the whole board by any of its parts, but his color-switching “ingredient” isn’t distance ranger), and opposite-colored Bishops’ pair costs 8 (it can reach all the board diagonally, its cost increases on free or very non-crowded board, and 2 bishops near in row are like 2-squares big piece which can’t be reached by enemy king and is better than Rook and Archbishop).
Also cost increases on larger or smaller board sizes – example is Knight (which is OP on boards about 6x6 and smaller), or Magician from my Horizons (which is better on boards about 10x10 and larger; as well as Giraffe, Antilope or my Policeman from Stone Garden (thx to editors!)).
Sorry for my graphomania;). (Costs are measured in pawns where Queen costs 9)