I'm not sure how to diagram the Archer's outer moves. The Archer can slide to the second square, or jump there if it's capturing.
And thanks for the term for the "every other square," HG.
In Parlett's notation (as expanded on in the Wikipedia article, and as far as I understand it), the Archer is 1-2X,c~2X (pending decision on the move change), and the General is nX,2+&.
Similarly, the Lancer was originally (4,2), but has become 2✴,(4,2). I just haven't updated the move graphic.
I had thought to put a Parlett's notation (I have a little trouble understanding Betza) with each piece, as well as a point score for those who care about such things.
I'm not sure how to diagram the Archer's outer moves. The Archer can slide to the second square, or jump there if it's capturing.
And thanks for the term for the "every other square," HG.
In Parlett's notation (as expanded on in the Wikipedia article, and as far as I understand it), the Archer is 1-2X,c~2X (pending decision on the move change), and the General is nX,2+&.
Similarly, the Lancer was originally (4,2), but has become 2✴,(4,2). I just haven't updated the move graphic.
I had thought to put a Parlett's notation (I have a little trouble understanding Betza) with each piece, as well as a point score for those who care about such things.