I corrected the K (I don't know why I said WF) and put in the double-characters.
As for your other ideas:
Would ccN then become a substitute for cabN?
With P, how would something like a Berolina Pawn be done?
I still support the M proposal, as long as it can be modified to enable Friends and Orphans (unless you think one of the other capitals would be better).
Perhaps t (turnabout) could be used for both of those purposes: tP2 would be the Berolina Pawn, tM the Orphan, ttM or dtM the Friend (though more likely cxM for Orphan and dxM for Friend). It could also be used in brackets (test) to check and see if a certain relative position is off the board. ([tW2?bN] would allow a Knight's move away from the edge only within two spaces of it.) Probably it could be used for other things with other atoms outside brackets.
A thought on w -- maybe that could be used as a modifier to directions that are always in relation to White. That could, among other things, simplify the Castling in games like Short Sliders (and the Leapers Who Love Them). Currently that's KirO2ilO3 for White and KirO3ilO2 for Black; it could become simply KiwrO2iwlO3 for both. It would also still allow w to be used for other purposes when not followed by a direction (lwB would do something different from wlB).
Those last two parts are just spitball musings, of course.
Addendum: I just had a weird thought for a piece called a Paparazzo, which can mirror the move of any piece that moves away from it in the preceding half-turn.
I corrected the K (I don't know why I said WF) and put in the double-characters.
As for your other ideas:
Would ccN then become a substitute for cabN?
With P, how would something like a Berolina Pawn be done?
I still support the M proposal, as long as it can be modified to enable Friends and Orphans (unless you think one of the other capitals would be better).
Perhaps t (turnabout) could be used for both of those purposes: tP2 would be the Berolina Pawn, tM the Orphan, ttM or dtM the Friend (though more likely cxM for Orphan and dxM for Friend). It could also be used in brackets (test) to check and see if a certain relative position is off the board. ([tW2?bN] would allow a Knight's move away from the edge only within two spaces of it.) Probably it could be used for other things with other atoms outside brackets.
A thought on w -- maybe that could be used as a modifier to directions that are always in relation to White. That could, among other things, simplify the Castling in games like Short Sliders (and the Leapers Who Love Them). Currently that's KirO2ilO3 for White and KirO3ilO2 for Black; it could become simply KiwrO2iwlO3 for both. It would also still allow w to be used for other purposes when not followed by a direction (lwB would do something different from wlB).
Those last two parts are just spitball musings, of course.
Addendum: I just had a weird thought for a piece called a Paparazzo, which can mirror the move of any piece that moves away from it in the preceding half-turn.