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Dealer's Chess. Armies are chosen by dealing special cards. (8x8, Cells: 64) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝Bob Greenwade wrote on Sun, Oct 22, 2023 01:16 AM UTC in reply to Fergus Duniho from 12:46 AM:

It's not inconceivable. With some of these, I'm not sure why there's an ID shown as assigned at all; nothing below the Virtuoso should have any. The only pieces with IDs explicitly assigned are the Pawns, those assigned in the original Playtest Applet (unnecessarily, I think, except for the Knight), and Centauride and Okapi (again, probably unnecessarily).

Afterthought: One of the pieces I deleted was 1rook, and it may have had a conflict with 1bishop. I'll see what happens when I upload the other deleted ones.

Status Report: It wasn't just the one. The board came back after I'd deleted four pairs of files, then disappeared again when I added one back. It seems to be currently maxed out at 512 pieces (1024 images). I'm not sure if another binary digit can be added to that, to make it 1024 pieces (2048 images).