Absorber Chess is probably too close to Absorption Chess; Cannibal Chess is likewise taken. But you've probably already considered those, and others like them.
Power Eaters, perhaps?
By the way, the Metropolitan name is already taken, by a Bishop+Gryphon piece. Would something like Disciple, Evangelist, or Apostle work? (I like Evangelist best of these, as it applies to a religious "harvester" of sorts.) I really like the other two, though, especially the Battlemaster.
Incidentally, can your game have triple compounds? If so, I've already named the Gnu+Bishop as the Sangoma (a religious figure in southern Africa, where the gnu is native); the rest I leave in your hands.
My thoughts:
Absorber Chess is probably too close to Absorption Chess; Cannibal Chess is likewise taken. But you've probably already considered those, and others like them.
Power Eaters, perhaps?
By the way, the Metropolitan name is already taken, by a Bishop+Gryphon piece. Would something like Disciple, Evangelist, or Apostle work? (I like Evangelist best of these, as it applies to a religious "harvester" of sorts.) I really like the other two, though, especially the Battlemaster.
Incidentally, can your game have triple compounds? If so, I've already named the Gnu+Bishop as the Sangoma (a religious figure in southern Africa, where the gnu is native); the rest I leave in your hands.