The main ones that have been causing confusion for me are the Kirin, Phoenix, and Lion, but I'll offer suggestions for all the ones I've detected. You can decide whether they're worthwhile, implementable, etc.
Flying Ox: This one is much more complex than the traditional vRB. To keep the same icon, all I can think of are slightly awkward names like Heavenly Ox, Divine Ox, or Cloud Ox (not that awkward names would be anything new in Shogi variants). For something completely new, it could be a Sky Dragon, Violent Ram, or War Eagle.
Golden Bird: This hardly resembles the traditional one at all. To keep the same icon, it'd have to remain Golden, and be a small bird; perhaps Golden Finch, Golden Swallow, or Golden Sparrow?
Heavenly Horse: Yours is much more powerful than the traditional Heavenly Horse (which is basically a Narrow Knight). This could be a Divine Horse or Spirit Horse (the Spirit Horse, I now learn, is part of the Bon festival).
Kirin: To the traditional FD, you've added an A; calling it Elephant Kirin seems unwieldy. Perhaps Grand Kirin, Regal Kirin, or Majestic Kirin.
Lion: The sting capture puts it halfway between the Modern Lion and the Japanese Lion. This one might be OK leaving it as just Lion, but perhaps Old Lion, Lunging Lion, or Lion's Claw could do too.
Phoenix: This has become WN instead of WA; sounds like it could be a Wandering Phoenix or (with a new icon) Drunken Phoenix.
Treacherous Fox: As with the Heavenly Horse, yours is much more powerful and aggressive. I'd suggest Tyrant Fox or Violent Fox. (The latter might call for a new icon.)
Violent Bear: Another amplified piece; perhaps, to go with the Cat Sword, it could be the Bear Sword? War Bear might work too, or Vicious Bear if you want to keep the initials.
Most if not all of these, given new names, would make for fun additions to my Thingiverse library, and the Piece of the Day series.
The main ones that have been causing confusion for me are the Kirin, Phoenix, and Lion, but I'll offer suggestions for all the ones I've detected. You can decide whether they're worthwhile, implementable, etc.
Most if not all of these, given new names, would make for fun additions to my Thingiverse library, and the Piece of the Day series.