The Golden Finch and Winged Horse options seem good. I'd have to make new icons (I have a specific "finch" icon so finch-goldgeneral instead of bird-goldgeneral; and then, horse-wings instead of horse-angel), but I'd even call them new inventions. The Winged Horse could even use a simple pegasus icon (if not the name).
I'm not actually renaming the Golden Bird and Heavenly Horse, as there is simply no need to. I'm simply pointing out the fact that these options exist due to translations from their current Japanese names (金翅 kinshi and 天馬 temma, respectively).
I can get on the Strong Bear and Running Leopard icons over the weekend, if you don't go do them yourself. (The bear should be fine by itself, just removing the sword; the Running Leopard will be leopard-wind.) I can also do the Golden Finch and Winged Horse icons if you decide to go that route.
(The colors, in case you decide to do them yourself, are A9A9A9, 444444, 80FF80, and 008000.)
The only thing I plan on doing myself is uploading the updated images to the directory used by the Diagram. It makes much more sense to have you update the images themselves, seeing as you are the official author of these graphics.
I'm not actually renaming the Golden Bird and Heavenly Horse, as there is simply no need to. I'm simply pointing out the fact that these options exist due to translations from their current Japanese names (金翅 kinshi and 天馬 temma, respectively).
The only thing I plan on doing myself is uploading the updated images to the directory used by the Diagram. It makes much more sense to have you update the images themselves, seeing as you are the official author of these graphics.