It's worth leaving this image in, because the files are laid out in an unintuitive way:
Because your files are not vertical lines, it would be helpful to include two sets of file markers on the image you want used with Game Courier, one at each end of the file. Since the files lean right, the end file markers would work best on the right side. So, you could put the rank markers on the left side instead. As long as you're doing this, it would also be helpful to make the rank and file markers less blurry. It currently looks like you're going for a 3D effect with light-colored text over a shadow, but solid black would be more legible.
It's worth leaving this image in, because the files are laid out in an unintuitive way:
Because your files are not vertical lines, it would be helpful to include two sets of file markers on the image you want used with Game Courier, one at each end of the file. Since the files lean right, the end file markers would work best on the right side. So, you could put the rank markers on the left side instead. As long as you're doing this, it would also be helpful to make the rank and file markers less blurry. It currently looks like you're going for a 3D effect with light-colored text over a shadow, but solid black would be more legible.