Your Prophet is almost the Godzilla, which is Rhinoceros ([W?B]) + Griffin ([F?R]) for [W?B][F?R]. Your description beyond that is a bit muddy; you describe it as leaping to every other space, so it'd be more like [F?DD][W?AA]. Replace the question marks with dashes if it can't stop at the first square; put an n before the DD and AA if it's lame, rather than leaping each step.
On the other hand, I recently proposed a Prophet that's [W-bB] -- it moves one space orthogonally, then turns 135 degress and moves at least one space diagonally. I was thinking of putting it on some huge-board game (12x12 or 16x16) some time.
Your Prophet is almost the Godzilla, which is Rhinoceros ([W?B]) + Griffin ([F?R]) for [W?B][F?R]. Your description beyond that is a bit muddy; you describe it as leaping to every other space, so it'd be more like [F?DD][W?AA]. Replace the question marks with dashes if it can't stop at the first square; put an n before the DD and AA if it's lame, rather than leaping each step.
On the other hand, I recently proposed a Prophet that's [W-bB] -- it moves one space orthogonally, then turns 135 degress and moves at least one space diagonally. I was thinking of putting it on some huge-board game (12x12 or 16x16) some time.