Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

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Jocly. An html-based web platform for playing 2-player abstract stategy games.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
H. G. Muller wrote on Sun, Jan 14, 2024 10:28 PM UTC in reply to François Houdebert from 05:19 PM:

We could change some visuals for scirocco and also maybe to team-mate?
The Addition with chu-shogi?

For Scirocco I would definitely want to put in Goat and Stork. And amongst the promoted pieces is a Squirrel, while the promoted King (Emperor) could be replaced by a Champion. (As this is how it moves). For the Lioness I now use a Lion, but perhaps a Leopard would be better. OTOH, it seems that most people now call the KNAD piece a Lion too, despite the difference with the Chu Shogi Lion. The Spider and the Octopus are subtly different Rhino and Griffon, and perhaps should use the improved versions we now have for those. But then again, Stork and Goat are just as subtly different from Phoenix and Kirin, and we would use different pieces for those. But for now we don't have a real Spider or Octopus anyway.

In Team-Mate Chess I could use the Phoenix. Difficult to decide what to do with the W-then-B piece, which is called Acromantula there (a mythical monster spider).

We certainly should add Chu Shogi

Documentation of shogi (draft here), do you want to add the western 2d skin to the pull request?

I'll have a look at it tomorrow.

For timurid chess, It's a good idea, see how it could be done. Loading from a fen string following canvas selection?

I suppose we could learn from Metamachy how it is done, and copy most of the code from there. I think it would be simplest to set up the board from a FEN without the variable pieces, but place those on a 13th rank to make sure their types are included in the list. Then 'Applying' the selection 'move' would simply place the selected pieces.

A subtle difference with Metamachy is that when the computer plays black the pieces are randomly shuffled, rather than having the user select the setup, as this is black's prerogative there. Here we always want the user to select, even in a Comp-vs-Comp game. I am not sure if this is going to be a problem. Normally you don't start in Comp-vs-Comp mode, but with the user set to play white, so that the computer will not immediately start thinking. We could make it such that when the computer plays black it uses the setup that was last selected, even if that was in a previous game, rather than randomly picking a new selection (as Metamachy does).