I fixed and clarified the text, but I want to make something clear so help can come in the right form.
Your Nereid is mBcgB. That's not how the Nereid from fairy chess problems moves (the XBetza notation is correct though). In problemist language, the orthogonal counterpart of Nereid is "Triton".
As I stated in the original Nereid listing, I got that piece from the Who is Who on Eight by Eight article, where the Nereid is described simply as "Overtaker B" (and attributed to Grimbert). Similarly, the "Overtaker R" on that list is the Chariot (attributed to QuangTrung). I suspect that all of the move descriptions and XBetza that's been applied to both pieces so far may not fit those, though if they do it's the current XBetza (and I need to fix the descriptions and diagrams).
I fixed and clarified the text, but I want to make something clear so help can come in the right form.
As I stated in the original Nereid listing, I got that piece from the Who is Who on Eight by Eight article, where the Nereid is described simply as "Overtaker B" (and attributed to Grimbert). Similarly, the "Overtaker R" on that list is the Chariot (attributed to QuangTrung). I suspect that all of the move descriptions and XBetza that's been applied to both pieces so far may not fit those, though if they do it's the current XBetza (and I need to fix the descriptions and diagrams).