I was thinking about porting your Jocly implementation of Seireigi over to this site. I looked at your site's Jocly files and saw a bunch of files beginning with "seireigi-shogi" in the directory "https://biscandine.fr/variantes/shogi/dist/browser/games/chessbase/". Are these the only files that I need if I want to port the implementation, or is there something else that I am missing?
Edit: I have added a link to the implementation on your site for now.
Thank you.
I was thinking about porting your Jocly implementation of Seireigi over to this site. I looked at your site's Jocly files and saw a bunch of files beginning with "seireigi-shogi" in the directory "https://biscandine.fr/variantes/shogi/dist/browser/games/chessbase/". Are these the only files that I need if I want to port the implementation, or is there something else that I am missing?
Edit: I have added a link to the implementation on your site for now.