Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

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Featured Chess Variants. Chess Variants Featured in our Page Headers.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
A. M. DeWitt wrote on Fri, Feb 2, 2024 03:20 AM UTC in reply to Fergus Duniho from Thu Feb 1 03:55 PM:

I did already say that none of the seconded games qualify.

Does anyone want to second anything before the month is over? Of the games that have been nominated and seconded, each has problems.


Perhaps some improvements, even minor ones, to the criteria could be made and/or are in order, if for no other reason than the fact that you said we were running out of eligible variants to be featured when you featured Hectochess.

One improvement we could easily make (which I vehemently recommend) is, for the computer program, replacing the preference for Zillions of Games with a preference for a free-to-play program.

SInce Zillions is a pay-to-play program (meaning it costs money), and you already have it and are accustomed to it, it is safe to say that the Zillions of Games requirement is a personal preference on your part. Unless you are a connoisseur in the types of games that Zillions is made for, you won't be likely to pick it up, especially with the price tag. It makes no sense to have a preference for a pay-to-play program for making to-be-featured Chess Variants when there are plenty of free-to-play options for doing the exact same thing, especially with the world in its current state.

If you want something with rule enforcement options, there are several options, such as ChessV, Ai Ai, Jocly, or Ludii. I would highly recommend listing H. G. Muller's Interactive Diagrams as well, as it is extremely flexible, and has become at least somewhat well-known and adopted by the site's contributors (for me this was a godsend). Each has its own advantages and drawbacks, but these would likely better serve as examples while having the preference as "a free-to-play program" in general.