To be fair, after trading Hawk and Elephant off in S-Chess, it's still a slightly different game since players can promote to either of those piece types if they wish. Same story for CWDA.
Getting back to No Castling Chess, at least it's impossible to get the same setup as the one for in chess (i.e. still have castling rights there). Play 1.e4 e5 2.Ke2 Ke7 3.Ke1 Ke8 in chess and you have the same position in No Castling Chess as after 1.e4 e5 there, for example, but no experienced players would do that voluntarily.
It all depends if you somehow can find plausible moves to get from a game of No Castling Chess to a standard chess' same position, with no castling rights in the latter case that are left - hardly always a likely story, for games between experienced players at either game.
To be fair, after trading Hawk and Elephant off in S-Chess, it's still a slightly different game since players can promote to either of those piece types if they wish. Same story for CWDA.
Getting back to No Castling Chess, at least it's impossible to get the same setup as the one for in chess (i.e. still have castling rights there). Play 1.e4 e5 2.Ke2 Ke7 3.Ke1 Ke8 in chess and you have the same position in No Castling Chess as after 1.e4 e5 there, for example, but no experienced players would do that voluntarily.
It all depends if you somehow can find plausible moves to get from a game of No Castling Chess to a standard chess' same position, with no castling rights in the latter case that are left - hardly always a likely story, for games between experienced players at either game.