A. M. DeWitt wrote on Thu, Feb 22, 2024 08:46 PM UTC:
All pawns are capable of en-passant capture (taking a piece, which’ve just moved two squares, by moving to square it have passed, if possible). But only half of pawns (F, P, A, S) can be taken by this way.
For en passant, I assume that the moving Pawn has to land on the square that was passed over? If so, how does the Warrior capture en passant, since it captures in the same way that the en-passant-capturable Pawns move?
For en passant, I assume that the moving Pawn has to land on the square that was passed over? If so, how does the Warrior capture en passant, since it captures in the same way that the en-passant-capturable Pawns move?